Cole Gordon: The Do-It-All Sales Whiz You Might Want to Think Twice About Following

Cole Gordon came from humble beginnings, making just $18,000 per year as a bartender. Still, he always dreamed of becoming his own boss and earning a six-figure salary.

After researching complicated sales funnels and other business options that required loads of starting capital, he built his lucrative career from nothing as a phone salesman. He raked in upwards of $10,000 per month, but he still wasn't satisfied.

In 2019, Cole decided to scale his network upwards and created, marketing his new company as the ideal solution for high-end businesses on the hunt for elite sales representatives. 

Within 26 months of launching, skyrocketed to digital fame and brought him $30 million per year in stable income.  

Nowadays, Cole shares what he learned through years of experience with aspiring entrepreneurs looking for their chance to break into high-ticket sales. 

In 2020, he founded the Remote Closing Academy, which he markets as an idiot-proof way to learn inbound remote closing from scratch in just 2 to 8 weeks.

What is the Remote Closing Academy, And Is It Worth Your Time?


  • Expert sales coaching is guaranteed  

  • Many positive student testimonials

  • Recruiters go to bat for hard workers

  • Unlocks access to special job offers

  • Learn remote closing from scratch


  • You're gonna spend serious $$$

  • Job placement isn't a guarantee

  • Their 72-hour refund policy is harsh

Having worked with the likes of Tony Robbins and 1,000+ other high-profile figures, Cole Gordon claims to own the top sales recruiting company in the industry. 

If you're looking to bring home $10k, $30k, or even $70k a month, he believes your chance to shine in the spotlight is just a few weeks away.

Aside from comprehensive sales training that you can finish at your own pace, you're really paying for their network. As coaches guide their students through the ins and outs of inbound closing, they take notice of those who put the work in.

Once you've finished their course, recruiters handle the employment process and set you up with legitimate interviews.

While there's no price listed on their actual website, one forum user claims the RCA is locked behind an $8,400 paywall. Their 72-hour refund policy is a huge red flag, especially considering that job placement isn't a guarantee. 

Depending on your innate skill set and work ethic, your eight-week journey to becoming a high-profile salesperson could go either way.  

Is such a huge investment really worth your time, or is this just another Hustlers University in the making?

Behind all the glitz and glamor you'll find on LinkedIn, third-party review sites offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what you can expect.

What Do Real People Have to Say?

As of right now, Cole Gordon's Remote Closing Academy maintains a 4.7 out of 5-star rating based on 884 Trustpilot reviews. People with money to spend view Cole's premium course as an "excellent opportunity," and several students have come back to share their personal success stories.

However, a concerning number of one-star reviewers have commented on their "cookie-cutter" sales process and their willingness to bombard students with unwanted calls and texts. 

One person even said that Cole Gordon and his associates will attempt to "trap" students into paying $10,000 for a program with increased mentorship.

It's hard to know who's telling the truth, so we'd advise you to be very careful. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Should You Sign Up With Cole Gordon's Remote Closing Academy?

If you're drowning in credit card debt and struggling to keep food on the table, we wouldn't suggest sinking $8,400 into Cole Gordon's Remote Closing Academy. 

While it's a great resource for people with a substantial bank account to fall back upon, it's not a one-way ticket to financial freedom. Much of the information you'll learn has already been discussed on YouTube.

At the same time, you're paying for access to sales coaches and recruiters with connections in high places. It's difficult to market yourself as an inbound closer. 

A fervent recommendation made on your behalf can spell the difference between getting a chance to shine or receiving a rejection email. 

Here's a piece of advice - before you decide to impulsively spend money on Cole Gordon's RCA, do your research.

See what an inbound closer accomplishes in their day-to-day job role. You'll have a better idea of whether you want to pursue this line of work, and you won't pay $8,400 for the privilege. 


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