CBD’s Massive Impact on Mental Health

What is CBD, and How Can It Help Me?

CBD has obtained big-dog status as the newest and trendiest alternative health care treatment. Over the last few years, consumer interest in CBD has accelerated. The cannabis industry’s wealth is heavily made up of CBD profits, as the hemp market will surpass $2 billion by the end of this year.

CBD use can impart a sense of relief from physical anxiety symptoms, chronically stressful situations, and insomnia. In addition, it shows promise as a potential adjunct treatment for seizure prevention, chronic pain management, and general bodily inflammation. Because CBD contains no THC, it is not cognitively impairing or psychoactive.


CBD is a potent cannabinoid with zero addictive effects. CBD acts through the cannabinoid system to produce positive dopaminergic and serotonergic effects. CBD works via the CYP3A4 enzyme, which increases the availability of dopamine and serotonin within the brain. CBD’s ability to inhibit dopamine and serotonin without producing euphoric or psychoactive effects makes CBD the perfect remedy for treating mental health issues.

CBD shows potential for remedying social and general anxiety disorders. It also plays a role in managing certain mental illnesses that range from dementia to ADHD.

Additionally, CBD can increase mindfulness and concentration by reducing the anxiety associated with performing at a high level. For example, somebody may find that CBD improves their academic performance because it reduces the anxious feelings usually associated with taking an important test.

How Should You Ingest CBD?

CBD is a versatile chemical compound and can be absorbed in many ways. Some of the most common methods of ingestion include two different mediums – oils and tinctures. 

CBD oil is administered under the tongue and must be held there for 30-60 seconds to be effective. Similarly, CBD tinctures are pills taken by mouth, and they possess the same level of bioavailability as CBD oil. The bioavailability of sublingually administered CBD is 35%.

Does CBD Promote Restorative Sleep?

In scientific studies, CBD is proven to help those suffering from insomnia fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep for longer periods. Anecdotal reports showcase that those who use CBD regularly enjoy more restful sleep than those who do not. By extension, CBD plays a role in fighting generalized anxiety and depression.  

People who don’t get enough sleep regularly are more prone to experiencing mental health issues, particularly those associated with anxiety and depression. Simply put, those who sleep more may experience depression less intensely.

A consistent lack of sleep can induce negative and repetitive thinking, better known as rumination. Sleep disruptions negatively impact the mental health of those who suffer from insomnia.

According to new scientific research conducted by Binghamton University, “sleeping less than the recommended 8 hours per night is associated with intrusive, repetitive thoughts like those seen in anxiety or depression.”

CBD can be of assistance (naturally) by inducing more restful sleep. For example, a patient suffering from anxiety and depression may feel better when they “catch up” on their lack of sleep and establish a healthy sleep schedule.  

Additionally, CBD may assist insomniacs who struggle to establish a healthy nighttime routine by providing easier access to restful sleep. Simultaneously, getting some much-needed rest can work to mitigate depressive thoughts.

The Unique Connection Between Anxiety & CBD

Without being euphoric or psychoactive, CBD increases the availability of dopamine and serotonin at CYP3A4 receptors. As a result, CBD may substantially assist patients with social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders impact a large portion of adults in the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 31.1% of US adults suffer from an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.  

When used adjunctly with medical treatments, CBD may further reduce the prevalence of anxiety symptoms commonly seen in patients with GAD, SAD, PTSD, panic disorder (PD), and OCD.

In another retrospective scientific study, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of CBD in reducing symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorders. Of the 72 participants in the trial, within the first two months of CBD treatment, an estimated 79.2% participants reported significant improvements in anxiety symptoms.  

Studies showcase the potential of CBD to reduce symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorders in a vast segment of the population. Therefore, CBD’s non-addictive yet anxiolytic nature makes it the perfect supplement for those suffering from severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

CBD’s Potential to Reduce Systemic Inflammation

The prevalence of mental illness in the United States is a growing problem. However, CBD can remarkably reduce the symptoms of various mental disorders. 

CBD’s ability to vastly reduce the negative impact of brain inflammation and induce the growth of new brain cells can help mitigate the symptoms of debilitating mental disorders. These disorders include Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, insomnia, severe PTSD, ADHD, severe anxiety, and severe clinical depression. 

CBD can reduce inflammation throughout the body and brain for individuals suffering from unexplained physical or mental disorders. Because it is well-tolerated by almost everyone and has no addictive potential, CBD can and should be used to promote the reduction of systemic inflammation in suffering patients.  

Scientific studies conducted by researchers show that CBD has the potential to reduce systemic inflammation in animals. Because inflammation – both physical and mental – is directly associated with some degree of pain, CBD also carries the potential to mitigate chronic symptoms of mental illness by reducing systemic inflammation.  

2008 study found that CBD can play a role in preventing the onset of type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease caused by an overload of systemic inflammation.  

Another study conducted in 2013 found that CBD can play a role in protecting against the onset of MS (multiple sclerosis) by directly reducing the harmful impact of excessive systemic inflammation.  

CBD’s Role in Mitigating Frequent Seizures

Epileptic patients suffering from frequent, uncontrollable, and dangerous seizures may find relief in supplementing with high doses of CBD. Some people with epilepsy successfully use CBD to mitigate seizure intensity and frequency, which speaks volumes about the neuroprotective effects of CBD.  

The neuroprotective effects of CBD stem from antioxidant properties that make it so potentially effective at growing new and healthy brain cells. For those dealing with epilepsy, growing these new brain cells can play a role in mitigating seizure intensity and frequency. 

The neuroprotective properties of CBD are evident enough for the FDA to give their stamp of approval. Epidiolex is an FDA-approved medication that contains a purified form of CBD. It accounts for the treatment of frequent and intense seizures in epileptic patients one year of age or older.  

A recent scientific study reports that epileptic patients taking prescription Epidiolex (CBD) experienced a 43.9% reduction in seizures after 28 days.

The neuroprotective properties of CBD mitigate both the intensity and frequency of epileptic seizures. 

Is CBD All It’s Cracked Up to Be?  

The benefits of CBD make it the perfect adjunct or supplement for those in search of positive mental change. Several scientific studies have shown that CBD is clinically assistive in treating mental illness.

CBD may decrease seizure frequency, protect against the neurological impact of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and promote the growth of new brain cells by reducing systemic inflammation.

Additionally, CBD is proven to clinically assist those who suffer from insomnia, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and ADHD. CBD may also increase mindfulness and concentration by reducing stress.

So, is CBD right for you? Your mileage may vary, but we think it’s well worth finding out.


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